Monday, September 08, 2008

In the Groove

Well Carver informed me today that he's been in kindergarten for 14 days. On one hand that seems hard to believe, but it also seems strange to think of him not being in kindergarten. To say that 'he loves it' is a bit cliche, but he truly does. Each day he comes home rattling on and on about what they learned in Spanish (although right now he says it's easy because he knows all the words they're learning-I've told him to just give that one some time!) or what he read during Reader's Workshop or what they did in Healthful Living (aka 'gym') or how they beat the 4th graders in a soccer game (still unsure about that one-I think we have some generous 4th graders!). He could talk all day-and often does. We continue to be immensely grateful that he's adjusted so quickly and enjoys himself so much.
Springer finally started her first full week today. She couldn't be more pleased to be back with her pals. Now that she's in the three year olds class she gets to take part in the carpool line pick up. She walked to the car with her teacher today and was grinning from ear to ear. Before she could even get buckled in her seat she squealed, "I'm a big girl now! Just wike Carver was when he was here! When I was a baby I got picked up inside, but now I sit outside. I get to do it again tomorrow!!" (all high pitched and full of smiles)
As we drove home I said, "Springer, I missed you today. When we get home can we snuggle?"
Springer: I want some milk and a cartoon.
Me: Well can we snuggle too?
Springer: Yes, but you can't put your arm on me and NO kisses! (said with a grin)
Me: No kisses?!
Springer: NO. Kisses make me nervous!
I did get a few.....


The Barfield Boys said...

so glad another mama asks for snuggles..with griffin in school 4 full days i can't get enough when he gets home..i am glad i am weaning him into the full day thing as well as me! 9-4 is a long day!!

k and c's mom said...

I am a first grade teacher in Austin, TX and got here from "Lots of Scotts". I love hearing what Moms have to say from their side of the story! Kindergarten and first grade are two totally magical years!

beck'sthree said...

Amanda, I followed you over from your comment on Lots of Scotts, too. I'm so glad I found your blog - it's so great to see how your life is going and to see your beautiful kids!


Anonymous said...

What fun! I wished so to have been there! Much love from Nonna. I'd love a snuggle too!