Thursday, May 22, 2008

Big Girl!

Two weeks ago we began (and have been mostly successful with) potty training. If one change was not enough I decided this was a good time to go with the whole 'big girl' theme and move her out of her crib and into her big girl bed. To do this required a little construction and she moved downstairs to the guest room (or more fondly referred to as Pop's room) for about two weeks. During her stay downstairs she regularly checked on the progress of her 'big girl room'. Well, after many days of working it is mostly complete and on Wednesday night we moved her into her new bed. She declared "I wuv my big girl room!". When reminded that she was not allowed to get out of her bed she proudly responded "I don't want to get out of my bed!" And she hasn' far so good. Here's a shot of her room and her in her bed on the first night. She looks like such a such a little pea in the big ol' bed!


keri said...

looks like you guys have had some fun things going on!! welcome summer, yay!
her room looks precious...i'm glad she is loving staying in her bed! whew!
(thanks for the sweet comment and prayers for my family!!)

Unknown said...

How beautiful!! What's not to love:)

katie said...

what a beautiful job you did on her room! i wouldn't want to leave either!