Friday, June 13, 2008

A week's worth of memories

After 8 days away from home (and from Daddy) we are now back. The children spent the first part of our time away at Uncle Micah and Aunt Tricia's while I enjoyed a weekend with my college girls. I don't know who enjoyed their time more-me or them! Although I don't have any shots of their time in Atlanta, I've certainly heard all about the fun they had-
thank you again, M & T! saying good-bye to Sara James-never easy to do

Visiting Pops at his office-the 'spinning chair' and 'crackers'
are among the favorites there. Although nothing tops Pops himself!
He is truly adored by these two.

Lunch at Dinglewood with Lieutenant, a local celebrity...what a treat!

A stop by our Alma Mater

Coloring at Granny's with their second cousins, Madison and Isabella.

A day out with Nana and Uncle Nate at Monkey Joe's...
they had a blast. Thank you, Nana!

Springer had no fear climbing the largest thing they had-Carver tried to go behind her, but didn't catch up with her in time. He very sweetly asked the boys who were to 'watch my sister; she's little so please catch her if she falls!" Good thing for them, she made it!
No trip home is complete with a visit to the museum.

A big thanks to all who made our trip so much fun. We miss you already!

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