Carver's class recently wrapped up a study of puppets. They built a puppet stage for their class, made puppets, and recreated stories using their puppets. It's been great fun and to show off some of their new found knowledge they put on a puppet show for the 3 day 3's class. Springer and I joined the audience and got a real kick out of all of the mini shows. Carver and Dylan put on "Jack and Bill". They re-wrote the story and added their own puppets and twist to the story. Getting ready to go on...
Springer made herself at home among the three year olds. She got such a kick out of the show-regularly belting out a huge laugh. The little girl in front of her was not pleased with her outbursts. I got so tickled watching her try to 'shhhsh' a very un'shhhsh'able Springer!
I know her pain!Take a bow ("and girls curtsy"-as Carver, the director, reminded everyone)