Sunday, April 27, 2008

Art Gallery Reception

On Thursday evening Carver and Springer's preschool held the annual art gallery open house. The halls were filled with beautiful work crafted entirely by our little ones hands. As an aside,their school does an amazing job with art and art history. No cookie cutter art work to be found; instead the children really learn what goes in to making masterpieces. I am constantly in awe at all they're learning. All of the artists receive name tags and proudly stand before their work as we madly snap pictures.

"Tom the Dinosaur"
Tempera paint with blocks

Marble painting
Carver's is on the bottom; Dylan's is above.

The purple painting to her left belongs to our little artist.

One art event wasn't enough for the evening so we headed over to Carver's new kindergarten for a school wide art gallery opening and dinner on the grounds. Springer was in rare (actually to our dismay-not so rare) form and was all over the place. My camera never made it out of my purse, but we had a great time none the less. We met our sweet host family and ran into other old friends as well. We're all really looking forward to this new beginning...although sweet Springer's eyes filled with tears at the mention of her brother going to another school. Currently they are across the hall from one another and more than once she's requested to go visit him. Apparently, she'll come in with her teacher, give Carver a hug and head back to her room.
She will certainly miss that next fall.

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