Monday, February 04, 2008

Dreadfully Behind!

Oh, my word! What a crazy past few weeks we've began about 3 weeks ago when my car suddenly broke down and quickly ended a months long discussion on whether or not to get a new car-we did (and it's great!), but it created a busy few days. Then, a couple of events at our home...then my oven croaked. Suddenly-in the middle of making 36 muffins for the preschool open house! I ended up baking them in a tiny muffin pan in my toaster oven. I felt like I had returned to the days of the Easy Bake oven! That little problem obviously led to a new oven (which I love!) and a minor construction project in the kitchen. That coupled with 4 more events here in the next three weeks has just left little time to sit down and upload photos more less to actually post them. But here we are; it's February, so I'm hopping back on the wagon. Here's a little run down of some fun times over the past few weeks.
We shared the MLK day break with our sweet friends, the McClatchey's. Carver, Abigail, Sarah Curtis and Springer loved their time together and we had great 'grown up' time as well.
None of us quite understood how the oranges made it to the picture, but they all insisted!

We're getting ready to recover our family room sofas so I've given the kids free reign on them lately. They've created a new game of "Mousekateers" which for some reason or another involves stacking all of the cushions and climbing on top. They can play for an hour or more and laugh histerically. I don't know what we'll do once the sofas return from the upholsterer!

My birthday cake-it requires explanantion. We easily play a dozen games of Uno every day and one day after Carver had been excited about getting a +4 card, I pretended to be excited over my 'big' card, a yellow 0. Well, he thought I was so silly that it became our joke together-whoever drew the yellow 0 would make a big show of it. Well as my birthday drew near he came up with the idea (completely on his own) that my cake should be a yellow 0 card. Our oven was broken and the new one wasn't installed, so he and G bought the cake and worked hard to recreate my beloved yellow 0. I was overwhelmed at how thoughtful it was and that it was completely his doing. It will be a cake I treasure forever!

This is how I found Carver the other night. These stuffed animals, or friends, as we call them typically reside in a basket beside his bed. When I went up to check on him this is what I saw. I quickly took a picture and then moved them back to their home so that he could stretch out. The next morning he was very relieved to know that I had taken the picture before moving them. When I asked him about them he said he wanted a picture so that "I can show my son all of my stuffed animals one day." Oh, that boy just melts my heart.


The Morrisons said...

Whew! A busy month, indeed! Happy Birthday, too! Welcome back - I've missed the Hiatt news. Let's please play soon.
Love y'all!

keri said...

sounds like you've been going non-stop! happy belated birthday...the cake was so cute! and i love the last photo of carver with all his animals and what he said the next day...priceless!