Monday, July 07, 2008

Simple Pleasures

Sunny skies this morning so we headed off to Lake Tashmoo for the afternoon. Lake Tashmoo is a wonderfully quiet, secluded beach where the lake and the sound come together. There's a pass where the sailboats come through, but other than that there is very little noise. The children again enjoyed collecting shells, making seaweed people, splashing, searching for 'eels' (Carver's interest of the day), walking out on the sandbars (that seemed to stretch for miles), and playing with new friends Spencer and Lilly. It was a perfect afternoon minus Springer's brush with a jelly fish-which she handled amazingly well. Unfortunately, I left my camera behind...
We came home in time for dinner and as I was putting it outside on our dinner table it just looked too yummy not to share-at least by picture. If y'all were only a little closer we'd love to have you over for California BLT's and watermelon!

1 comment:

The Morrisons said...

YUMMMMM!!!! Wish we were there...really, I do!